Philosophy of Adult Education Scoring

I was encouraged to take an assessment regarding my philosophy of education on the LabR Learning Resources site. Going into this I felt confident in knowing what I believed and was sure this would be quick and easy.

As I began answering the questions I was reminded that we are a mix of our past and present so sometimes I was unsure of how to answer since my thinking can sometimes move back to old ways of thinking.

Out of five categories I scored in the following way: Liberal 77; Behaviorist 82; Progressive 102; Humanistic 92; Radical 92. As I read the descriptors it verified for me that I am definitely Progressive in my philosophy of education and even though Humanistic and Radical scored similar I feel that I am much more Humanistic but possibly affected towards the Radical due to the work I currently am doing.

LabR Learning Resources. (2019). PAEI Assessment. LabR Learning Resources – PAEI